High-Level Design
Home/Documents/Development/High-Level Design
This is the High-Level Design for ANet. It presents a non-technical view of the different components of ANet, how they work, how they interact with each other and how they will be implemented.
"daemon.png" is a figure that summarizes the
high-level structure of the ANet daemon (Original Dia document: daemon.dia).
- Run-Time Wrapper
- Manages the creation, destruction and the communication of the different modules of ANet. Makes an abstraction of memory and file management. Maitains configuration files.
- Client Connection Modules
- Communication bridge between the ANet daemon and the clients.
- Data Transformation Modules
- Transform some data.
- Client SDK
- Group of libraries to simplify the process of building clients for ANet.
- Cluster Group Modules
- Define data duplication between different clusters.
- Cluster Filter Modules
- Define data filtering for a cluster.
- ANet Core
- Does the actual data duplication within a cluster. Contains the query, static data and TWDT modules.
- Handshaking Protocol Modules
- Define what and how connections should be made and manage resumed connections.
- Packet Protocol Modules
- Define the way the data will be streamed between two nodes.
- Connection Protocol Modules
- Define how network connections, from a low-level point of view, should be made between two nodes.
- Bandwidth Manager Module
- Monitors the network connections to maintain bandwidth statistics.
- Document Type Definition (DTD)
- This is the DTD file for the ANet configuration files.